Monday 28 October 2013

pictures from last lesson

last lesson tegan and I screwed our 2 triangular support arches to our base using a power drill. tegan and I did a great job and all the screws went in perfectly without any screw ups resulting in our trebuchet being perfectly lined up. this was because we used this 9mm wooden stick that we placed through the top of the arches which allow us to screw down each side to line up with the holes at the top.

Here is a picture

after this we had to cut the 9mm metal rod that will be holding up our arm of our trebuchet. we then added a series of washers and bolts to secure the metal pipe in place.

Thursday 24 October 2013


as promised here is a picture of tegan and i progress.

this is a top view and bottom view of the base in which is that main part of our trebuchet.

the next step was to make the support arches by first making the middle beam and then filling in the gaps between with support triangles and right angles to ensure maximum strength 
here is a picture of one of the complete support arches for our trebuchet

Monday 14 October 2013

the first week of construction is now over and tegan and i have made great progress. we have completed our base and 1 side of the support for the trebuchet. on each side of the trebuchet we have now decided to use a strip of MVF board to add extra support. this week we will continue building our trebuchet starting oof by making the other support. on my next post i will show you some photos of our progress.