Thursday 22 March 2012

Video report (plastics and design)

Beauty of plastics is that u can incorporate anything in one part

PolyPropylene line is used to make containers. It's microwaveable and keeps it shape well

Styrene is Used in wine glasses

Bottle designers look out for different designs wherever they go

Working model can help demonstrate how objects work

'Die' is the mould that plastic goes into.

Need rim at bottom of bottle otherwise bottle will split

Friday 16 March 2012

Ideation phase

Today we started our ideation phase for our desk tidy. Below is my idea of what I want to make.

New unit

Today we started our new unit. We got shown the design brief for our new assignment which told us that we were to make a desk tidy. Mr ward also took us into the workshop and showed us how to fabricate the acrylic which we will be using to make our desk tidy. I am really excited for this new term but I am sad that we will be getting a new teacher, I hope he is as good as Mr Ward :)

Wednesday 14 March 2012


This term the year 9 design futures students have explored and researched light. We were to design and make a small working desk lamp using LED technology. It was to be free standing and stable.

Does the arterfact do what it was designed to do? Yes, my LED desk lamp is free standing and stable and throws off light onto the desk.

Does it perform effectively and efficiently? Yes, it turns on and off efficiently and throws off a very bright light onto the desk allowing study/work to be done.

What improvements, if any, can be made to improve the artefacts function? There was only one improvement that i think should have been made.  The curve of the aluminum should have been a little greater so that the arm with the LED light is at a higher angle so the light gets thrown out further onto the desk.


I am very happy with the aesthetics of my LED lamp. My lamp is a suitable shape for 2012 because i find it very modern. The shape of my lamp balances well with the block of Jarrah wood, it is not unstable as the angles of the shape match up perfectly. Overall the visual aspect of my lamp is very attractive and i would even consider buying a lamp like this one if it was to be sold in the shops.


My LED lamp is very convenient being small and compact, light weight, and very bright. It is very useful when it comes to study, homework or reading as it will light up your page allowing you to see clearly. There is also no safety issue when it comes to electrical faults, light faults or unsteadiness as it has been very carefully wired and very carefully been adjusted so that the lamp is as steady as possible.


This lamp was very cheap to build making it very cost effective although it took a lot of time to make. Prices are as listed:

  • Aluminum- $2.40
  • Jarrah Base- $2.40
  • heat shrink- 15c
  • LED strip- $5.85
  • plastic- 45c
  • cord- $2.80
In total my lamp cost around $14.05

Published 12/3/12 by Stephanie Purser

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Question 5

5. Research a modern day lighting designer and comment on their contribution to the design world? Into Maurer , He was born in 1932. He founded the studio 'design m' where he designed his first lamp: 'bulb' Info Maurer was a designer rare to find, he added provocation and fun to our ever so smooth design world

Question 4

4. How can the modern home become more energy efficient in regards to lighting? If you are building or renovating your home, to make it more energy efficient try to add well designed windows and skylights to bring more natural light into your home which will use no electricity and is a great way to reduduce carbon emmissions, you could also add light tubes to allow more natural light to enter your home. You might also think bout painting your interior walls light colors, especially in the south facing rooms. This will reflect more light inside your home and reduce the need for artificial lighting. And finally when buying lights for your house, buy fluorescent lights as they are very energy efficient. Although they might be more expensive they can last 4-10 times longer than normal lights.

Question 3

3. Comment on global warming The current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely on. What will we do to slow this warming? How will we cope with the changes? Global warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect. I believe global warming could be minimized by setting limits on global warming pollution, invest in green jobs and clean energy, drive smarter cars, create green homes and buildings and build better communities and transportation networks. If we all work together we can bring end to this greenhouse effect for good!

Question 2

2. Define the following lighting terms: ambient light, direct light diffuser, luminosity, energy efficiency, watts? 
Ambient light- light surrounding an environment or subject, especially in regard to photography and other art work. Ambient light usually refers to natural light, either outdoors or coming through windows,

 Direct light diffuser- diffusers help eliminate harsh light and shadows and helps leave your photo's looking more natural. Light diffusion is the scattering of direct light by making it pass through a non transparent material or by bouncing it off a semi reflective surface.

 Luminosity- is the measure of stars, it measures how much energy per unit time the star is releasing. This energy is mostly emitted as electromagnetic radiation (light), however other forms of energy such as neutrino emission is also included.

 Energy efficiency: is a fundamental element in our global fight against climate change. Climate Change means, 'using less energy to provide the same service'. It's role is to combat Climate change and promote sustainable development.

 Watts: watts (W) is the international system of units (si) standard unit of power ( energy per unit time). The watt is used to specify the rate at which electrical energy is dissipated, or the rate at which electromagnetic energy is radiated

Question 1

Design futures questions: What is the actual difference between light of different colours? The wave lengths of each colour are different and are absorbed at different rates by different color objects. The light that is not absorbed by the object is the colour you see.

Thursday 1 March 2012

This is a picture of my lamp lit up. It is now completed and all i am waiting on is the cord which should be arriving sometime next week. hope you like it :)