Tuesday 13 March 2012

Question 2

2. Define the following lighting terms: ambient light, direct light diffuser, luminosity, energy efficiency, watts? 
Ambient light- light surrounding an environment or subject, especially in regard to photography and other art work. Ambient light usually refers to natural light, either outdoors or coming through windows dictionary.com, www.mediacollage.com/

 Direct light diffuser- diffusers help eliminate harsh light and shadows and helps leave your photo's looking more natural. Light diffusion is the scattering of direct light by making it pass through a non transparent material or by bouncing it off a semi reflective surface.

 Luminosity- is the measure of stars, it measures how much energy per unit time the star is releasing. This energy is mostly emitted as electromagnetic radiation (light), however other forms of energy such as neutrino emission is also included.

 Energy efficiency: is a fundamental element in our global fight against climate change. Climate Change means, 'using less energy to provide the same service'. It's role is to combat Climate change and promote sustainable development.

 Watts: watts (W) is the international system of units (si) standard unit of power ( energy per unit time). The watt is used to specify the rate at which electrical energy is dissipated, or the rate at which electromagnetic energy is radiated

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